Cameron-Henry CenterTM for Neglected Surgical Diseases

Our mission is to provide sustainable, essential and low-cost surgical care and to save lives. Thereby we will prevent serious disability or life-threatening complications in under-resourced settings.


That all district LMIC hospitals are staffed by appropriately trained surgical personnel by 2030.

Neglected Surgical

Diseases™ Program

Defined by World Bank Group as clubfoot, cleftlip & palate, cataract, obstetric fistula, abdominal hernia, unpaired trauma.

Neglected surgical diseases (NSDs) are prevalent, disabling and cause profound shame, isolation, social stigma and suffering.




Cleftlip & palate




Abdominal hernia


An initiative that gives access to people to approach health practitioners for medical screening and an assessment of the patient, where the health provider advises on the care that is needed.

Surgical Camp  

A life-saving initiative that aims to provide free medical and surgical treatments for patients screened with NSDs, to LMICs through a mobile team that offers a variety of medical specialties.



We are looking for people who want to make a difference, who want to raise awareness for an important cause.

As well as making a donation, you can support The  DeckerMed Africa Trust end avoidable clubfoot, cleftlip & palate, cataract, obstetric fistula, abdominal hernia, unpaired trauma. in many different ways.

The Foundation has initiatives ranging from global campaigns, individual and group based fundraising events and advocacy actions.

I believe we should have options to donate both in cash and in kind ( skills and time)

These initiatives are open for everyone, regardless of where you are in the world.

become a volunteer today!

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